Posts tagged ‘Beer’

Cerveja e outras bebidas mais

Enquanto estava na Argentina percebi algo interessantíssimo que, se não matasse, engordaria. TODAS AS CERVEJAS SÃO DE 1 LITRO.

Ao chegar no Hostel descobri que tinha uma bebida grátis, olhei para o freezer e ali encontrei, verdinha e suada, pronta para ser degustada. Loira como quase todas as Belgas. Até aí, eu já a conhecia, Stella Artois não é novidade para maioria dos cariocas, mas depois do primeiro copo, veio a glória. Quanto custaria essa Stella?  9 PESOS = 5 REAIS.

Fiquei maluco. UMA CERVEJA DE UM LITRO PELO PREÇO DE UMA LONG NECK? e quanto sairia uma Quilmes? Cerveja padrão Ambev? 5 pesos = 2 reais, ISSO MESMO DOIS REAIS. Cruzes! vou morrer.

Fora os vinhos. Uma garrafa de um Malbec de Mendoza 2006 15 PESOS. Jesus Chicoteia! Se eu não morrer nessa viagem, me mudo pra cá.

Amigo leitor, a Argentina pode fabricar ótimos doces de leite, maravilhosos sorvetes, mas o que ela CERTAMENTE FABRICA DE MELHOR, são os bêbados.

Um brinde!

March 9, 2009 at 9:31 pm Leave a comment


Hey, guys!

I´m so proud writing the first post of our blog. I know, with my bad English, but with a lot of experiences and good remembers for to share with everybody.

I was thinking about what the word “together” means to us. In the first time I sad to Casper, a friend from Holland in the hostel: ” Let´s drink together, let´s be together!”. After that, I was surprised with the answer: “That have to be the slogan of Pangea, cause every time I feel that with the people here!”

That word sounds for myself like a rule, like a law, but more than that is our life stile. Everything is an excuse for to be together and make friends ever! We are traveling like you, and we know how important a travel around South America is for the people. Normally, that is the travel of our life, and we can do our best for your best, in the city and in the hostel.

Now I’m taking a look around myself in the hostel. I can see a couple of guys playing pool, two girls watching the game, and a lot of people talking around the table. Everybody is together, like we are. Maybe sometimes I can cry looking this simple scene, but instead I just take my beer for to say: “Cheers, guys! Let´s be together!”

Here we are together, cause Pangea means the united world. We don`t care about your color, religion, country or anything. Doest´t really matter, because in our hostel everybody lives together.

So, I hope to see here the experiences of our travelers. Let´s share pictures, videos and texts, but not just this! Let´s share our experiences.

If you are not in the hostel anymore: Keep traveling and comeback every time. Let’s be together.

Ricardo Martins
Traveler staff

March 3, 2009 at 9:15 pm Leave a comment

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